Now, this is a big topic, Learning How To Love Your Singleness! There are so many single ladies that ask this same question over and over, “how can I make myself happy without a man?” It’s Easy! You must love the Lord Jesus and allow Him to be your companion. The Lord allows us to go through certain stages in our lives for growth and we impatiently want to hurry the process. The biggest complaint is being alone and desiring a company keeper but unfortunately, that eventually leads to sexual impurity, which is unacceptable to the Lord.
Ladies, I know it is very difficult to go through your lives looking at married couples that appear to be happy, when in many cases what you see is not real. You are now mad at God because someone else has a husband and you don’t. You can sometimes even become envious of other’s happiness, which again is not of God. The devil is evil and will do anything to misguide you but you must trust in the Lord and wait for him to supply your every need. In the meanwhile, you must Make Your Singleness Sufficient. If you are not in church, start there and get busy.
Many single women are living their lives thinking of ways to attract a husband? Unfortunately, in that pursuit they are attracting all sorts of spirits (con artist, cheater, free loader, abuser, etc). Whether we want to believe it or not, the only one that can make that provision is God and it’s made according to our faithfulness. God said, “He would withhold no good thing from those who walk uprightly before him”. You don’t want some of the (Men Spirits) that I just named. If you can just be patient and wait on the Lord, he will bless you for your faithfulness and when God blesses, He blesses real GOOD!
My advise, please don’t make your move to soon! Be patient and let God do it for YOU!
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Hi, It’s Debbie!
I hope you have learned something from the blogs I have posted. They were all written with you in mind. So many women have suffered one hardships after the other, dealing with incredible experiences in their relationships.
I hope you will consult the Lord Jesus on how to handle yours and find hope and guidance from what you have learned.
God Bless You,
Debbie Richards, Author
me personally i enjoy being single. but in reality theres nothing like having some one who with you or that supports you moves.